Classic home-bar kitsch from the 1970s. If you're desperate to add it to your collection, there's one on sale at eBay for $70. View the thing in action at myspace vids (myspace doesn't seem to allow video embedding). (via box vox)
One of the weirder Hollywood offerings, this film depicts an American President gone wild in office--and it turns out to be a good thing! I'm surprised the film hasn't figured in this year's politics.
The good news is there will soon be a a male contraceptive on the market that, after one dose, is effective for 10 years. No condoms necessary for birth control reasons and it is also easily reversible in the event of a change of heart about fathering a child. The bad news? It must be administered by injection directly into the penis and its not a barrier to STDs. Possibly coming out by 2015.
My normally fabulous newspaper syndicate, Andrews McMeel Universal ("Doonesbury," "Garfield," "Dear Abby," etc.), was taken over yesterday by Colombian drug lords, and "News of the Weird" appeared in Spanish-only at, or at least that's the story I'm going with.
They're working on getting it back in English (and working out a few other problems with it).
In the meantime, and actually, for all time, "News of the Weird" fans can see the new column, hand-posted by me and Mr. Google every Sunday at
If you have a Google account, you can also join the group NewsoftheWeird on that page, and my hand-posted column will be e-mailed to you every Sunday.
Or, you can wait until we fight off the Colombians and recover our website. Venceremos!
In a recent article in the journal Ecology of Food and Nutrition, Mark Kristal argues that placentophagia (that is, the eating of afterbirth or placenta) could offer significant benefits for humans — especially considering that all other mammals (including non-human primates) do it. (link: These benefits might include increasing mother-infant interaction, increasing the effects of pregnancy-mediated analgesia in the delivering mother, and potentiating opioid circuits in the maternal brain that facilitate the onset of caretaking behavior. He acknowledges that these possible benefits don't warrant "the wholesale ingestion of afterbirth," but he does think the issue deserves further study.
The strange thing is that although all other mammals practice placentophagy, no human cultures do (according to Dr. Kristal) — except for Hollywood celebrities.
Chuck's Weekly Cite-Seeing Tour The Crème de la Crème, Every Monday
Hand-Picked and Lightly Seasoned by Chuck Shepherd
April 9, 2012 (datelines from March 30 or later) (links correct as of April 9)
Dehrazi, Afghanistan: "Like it or not," said a United Nations official, "there was better rule of law under the Taliban." He was referring not to Afghan farmers' supplying the world with heroin but to the quaint custom of horny men to bypass burqa-sheathed gals and instead go for pretty little boys for display, companionship, and sex (bacha bazi) (until the boys are old enough to grow a beard, at which time they're history). The Karzai government is maybe against it, maybe not, hard to tell. Washington Post
Tokyo: Japan is deregulating . . fugu chefs! Diners have sure-enough died from eating improperly-fileted poisonous blowfish, which is why those chefs are trained and licensed (and why you can't get a decent fugu meal for under the equivalent of about $120). Until now. The pro-competition Tokyo Metro Gov't is doing away with licensing. Reuters
Boston: Just because you're an applied physicist at MIT and so smart that none of us WU-vies can comprehend the first thing about your job doesn't mean you don't also have needs. For Yaron Segal, 30, apparently, one need was to line up a mom offering her daughters, 12 and 16, for sex. (And guess what he's not smart enough to do. Spot a police sting.) The Smoking Gun
Seattle: The Masters golf tournament is a really meaningful experience for many people, um, white male people, anyway, including Russ Berkman, whose dog ate his tickets just as he was ready to leave for Augusta. Immediately, he induced big Sierra to vomit them out. Then he worked through the puke to reconstruct them (and photo them off to Masters officials to beg for do-overs, which they granted). Yahoo Sports
The F State: (1) No squirt guns, sticks, poles, slingshots, handguns in the central zone around the Republican Convention in Tampa in August. (The city has no jurisdiction over real guns because they are regulated by the National Rifle Association.) [CORRECTION: Real guns are regulated by the state legislature, not the National Rifle Association.] [UPDATE: I had it right the first time.] (2) For sale, on the street outside of DMV offices: driver's license questions and answers, guaranteed to be the exam, $30 cash. (Bonus: And DMV is OK with that.) Tampa Bay Times /// WPLG-TV (Miami)
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction books such as Elephants on Acid.
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.
Chuck Shepherd
Chuck is the purveyor of News of the Weird, the syndicated column which for decades has set the gold-standard for reporting on oddities and the bizarre.
Our banner was drawn by the legendary underground cartoonist Rick Altergott.