
The Tubby Hubby Diet

Original ad here.

Original ad here.

I just cannot believe the arrogant sexism and objectifying behavior of Josephine Lowman! I feel cheap and soiled, on behalf of all tubby hubbies.

LATE ADDITION TO THE POST: I could not resist adding this new term I just thought of: "schlub-shaming."

Posted By: Paul - Thu Dec 01, 2016 - Comments (1)
Category: Body, Dieting and Weight Loss, Public Humiliation, 1950s

Hypnotist Seeks Humane Turkey Death

November 1956: Hypnotist Arthur Ellen urged President Eisenhower to put his Thanksgiving turkey in a trance before executing it, promising him that a hypnotized turkey "tastes better due to the absence of adrenalin in the bloodstream and plucks easier because the muscles holding the feathers are relaxed."

Port Angeles Evening News - Nov 19, 1956

It's not recorded whether Eisenhower took the advice of the hypnotist. However, Wikipedia notes that, "The Eisenhower Presidential Library says documents in their collection reveal that President Dwight Eisenhower ate the birds presented to him during his two terms."

The tradition of Presidential turkey pardons only officially began with Reagan, although both Kennedy and Nixon spared some birds.

Below: Eisenhower in 1954 feeds a cranberry to a soon-to-be-eaten Thanksgiving turkey.

Image source: White House Historical Association

Posted By: Alex - Thu Nov 24, 2016 - Comments (0)
Category: Holidays, Thanksgiving, Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Mind Control, 1950s

Mystery Illustration 33


Was this structure ever built? And if so, what was its purpose?

The answer is here.

And after the jump.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Paul - Mon Nov 21, 2016 - Comments (4)
Category: Buildings and Other Structures, 1950s

The Bully

Posted By: Paul - Sat Nov 19, 2016 - Comments (0)
Category: Antisocial Activities, PSA’s, Children, Juvenile Delinquency, 1950s

Woman Hater Elmer Simrell

1959: Elmer "Jet" Simrell, an early crusader for men's rights, vowed to "fast until death" to publicize his views on the "menace of modern womanhood." He declared he wouldn't eat until newspapers published his manifesto on the "ruination emancipated women are bringing the world."

Simrell was in jail on account of having written hoax death threats to 10 judges, angry at the California judicial system because it had awarded his wife custody of their two daughters during their 1956 divorce.

In an earlier stunt (done, he said, to publicize "America's headlong rush to destruction via the divorce courts"), he had written to newspapers declaring that he had killed "a mother and three kids." Police immediately investigated and discovered he had killed a pregnant mother goat and two baby goats.

Simrell started his "fast until death" on Thanksgiving Day (Nov 26), 1959. It lasted until Dec 1, when he broke down and had some beef, soup, salad, coffee, and bread. So, all of five days. No papers ever published his manifesto.

Simrell (center) being taken into custody following his goat-killing stunt. via USC Digital Library.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Nov 27, 1959

The Evening Independent - Dec 3, 1959

Elmer Simrell

Posted By: Alex - Fri Nov 18, 2016 - Comments (3)
Category: Crackpots, 1950s

The Frozen Woman


Original article here.

Alas, two years after the coverage above, she was gone.


Original article here.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Nov 17, 2016 - Comments (6)
Category: Body, Human Marvels, Medicine, Nature, 1950s, Alcohol

Tandem Smoker

Introduced in 1955: Jonathon Law's Tandem Smoker, aka the "sure-fire lonesomeness ender."

"The inventor envisions each lonely man packing a Tandem Smoker. All he has to do is light up, offer a passerby a mouthpiece, and the device will do the rest."

Image source: Fuzzy Dave

Independent Press Telegram - Sep 30, 1956

And you too could soon be smoking in tandem, because there's one available for $95 on eBay.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Nov 14, 2016 - Comments (5)
Category: Smoking and Tobacco, 1950s

Post Toasties

Here's an ad campaign over the course of a decade or so that shows the Mad Men flailing around blindly. Whom do we appeal to? Kings, Indian Chiefs, housewives, nursery-rhyme characters, despotic sea captains, or cartoon animals? Or, in the end, the anti-hippie conservatives embodied by Andy Griffith and his fancy-neckwear disparagement?

Posted By: Paul - Sun Oct 30, 2016 - Comments (2)
Category: Business, Advertising, Food, 1950s, 1960s

Plasticville, USA


Original ad here.

With no trace of modern irony, Plasticville USA was once deemed a grand name for an imaginary town. Somehow I can hear a beatnik of the era saying, "Plasticville, man, that's for squares!"

Wikipedia entry here.

More info and some great pictures on this page.

More images via Google.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Oct 23, 2016 - Comments (3)
Category: Toys, Urban Life, Bohemians, Beatniks, Hippies and Slackers, 1940s, 1950s

Fabulous Lady Diet Food


This is one of those rare instances where I can learn nothing on the internet about an old-time product. I suspect it was simply a forerunner of such drinks as Metrecal. If anyone can discover the secret ingredients of this drink, or even more press about it, they will be a master sleuth!

Original ad here.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Oct 20, 2016 - Comments (6)
Category: 1950s, Women, Dieting and Weight Loss

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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