
Powering Entire Neighborhood

Having done some home wiring, this impresses me as a truly epic screw-up. And I'm curious how the workmen could have managed to wire up something like this accidentally.

Based on the description (the fact that the homeowner had to switch off the main power feed and not just one circuit to turn off the street lights), I'm guessing that the workmen must have somehow got power going back out of the house through the neutral line, and then fed this into the street lights.

News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio) - Jan 26, 1957

Lights Go Out On Power Bill
SHEFFIELD, Eng. — When Lewis Monfredi received a $90 bill from the Sheffield Electricity Company he indignantly pulled the main switch in his house. Immediately, all the street lights in the neighborhood went out.
An investigation showed the street lights had been connected to the circuit in the Manfredi home by workmen. The company promised to send Monfredi an adjusted bill.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Sep 13, 2015 - Comments (8)
Category: Utilities and Power Generation, 1950s

Bond Mini Car


If you took a three-wheeled motorcycle and dropped the shell of an auto atop it, this is what you would get. Lift the hood of the "car," and there is the engine riding on a single steerable wheel of its own


Wikipedia article here.

POPULAR SCIENCE article here.

Posted By: Paul - Sat Sep 12, 2015 - Comments (3)
Category: 1950s, Europe, Cars, Motorcycles

Mystery Illustration 9


What pop song of the 1950s was this tableau intended to represent?

Answer after the jump.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Paul - Tue Sep 08, 2015 - Comments (8)
Category: Fashion, Music, 1950s

Right to Compulsory Education

As far as I know, the terminology that compulsory education is a "right" continues to be used by international organizations, although it does sound vaguely Orwellian. The wikipedia page on Compulsory Education notes that the idea that children should be forced to go to school has a long history of controversy and has been criticized on the grounds that "it violates freedom and liberty" and that "it is slavery." However, pretty much every country in the world has some form of compulsory education.

The Daily Herald (Provo, Utah) - Apr 8, 1959

Posted By: Alex - Mon Sep 07, 2015 - Comments (2)
Category: Education, 1950s

1950s Voice Recognition Device


All that fancy circuitry ends up in typewriter output device.

Original article here.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Sep 01, 2015 - Comments (6)
Category: Technology, 1950s

Atomic Peanuts

In 1959, Walter C. Gregory of North Carolina State College introduced "atomic" peanuts to the world. Despite the name, they weren't radioactive peanuts.

He had exposed peanut seeds to huge amounts of radiation to create mutant strains. Then he had selected the mutant strains with the qualities (size) he liked. And in this way created jumbo-sized peanuts.

As this article at Atlas Obscura notes, what Gregory was doing was "mutation breeding," and it's the way many of the varieties of fruit and veggies we eat nowadays are created. We no longer call it "atomic" food, though it is.

Since the 1950s and 60s, mutation breeding has created around 3,000 commercially available varieties of plant—durum wheat, rice, soybeans, barley, chickpeas, white beans, peaches, bananas, papayas, tomatoes, sunflowers, and more. Almost any grapefruit you've bought was probably a mutant.

"Atomic" peanuts

Man and woman eating "atomic" peanuts

Kansas City Times - Jan 12, 1959

Posted By: Alex - Sun Aug 30, 2015 - Comments (4)
Category: Food, Science, Atomic Power and Other Nuclear Matters, 1950s

1956 Commercials:  7 minutes Total Per Hour Show

Now, that's weird! Especially when compared to double that amount today.

Posted By: Paul - Sat Aug 29, 2015 - Comments (6)
Category: Business, Advertising, Products, Television, 1950s, 2010s

A Meal In A Matchbox, 1956

Matchbox-sized meals. The utopian food of the future, as envisioned by British scientists of the 1950s.

"the housewife of the future will never have to worry about dishpan hands if science puts pills and water on the table instead of steak and potatoes."
— Port Angeles Evening News - July 25, 1956

Synthetic food, as tasty and more nourishing than the real thing, yet so compact that a three-course meal goes in a matchbox, has been made in top secrecy by Government scientists....
Matchbox meals can be kept almost indefinitely without deterioration. An example of the matchbox food could be soup, a dish of synthetic stewed steak followed by a sweet in the form of, say, apple puree. There would not be as much as you might be accustomed to see on a well-filled plate, but it would be satisfying to eat, and the flavour would be indistinguishable from the real thing. The soup will probably be in a tablet form. The stewed steak will be a packet of course granules. There will be a teaspoonful or so of white powder which will be the mashed potatoes. Another little packet of powder will contain the apple puree. The only thing to be added to the chemicals will be water.
— Keystone Wire Service, July 17, 1956

Port Angeles Evening News - July 25, 1956

Posted By: Alex - Sat Aug 29, 2015 - Comments (5)
Category: Food, 1950s

The Animation of Joop Geesink

We marvel at films like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, or Wallace and Gromit, in which, during a given scene, one or two puppets might be in motion. I can't fathom the amount of work that Joop Geesink went through to create his films.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Aug 27, 2015 - Comments (2)
Category: Stop-motion Animation, 1950s, 1960s, Europe

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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