

OZO from OZO Team on Vimeo.

This one deserves to be watched in fullscreen mode.

Posted By: Paul - Fri Jan 04, 2013 - Comments (4)
Category: Animals, Cryptozoology, Family, Babies and Toddlers, Parents, Cartoons

Rat-Killing Lessons, 1907

Back in the day, students were taught the important subjects at school, such as how to kill rats. Here's a description of rat-killing lessons at the Farm and Trade School on Thompson's Island, circa 1907. From Rats and Rat Riddance (1914), by Edward Howe Forbrush:

At the Farm and Trade School on Thompson's Island, where the boy pupils are taught to kill rats, as all boys should be, there is a henhouse built with a cement foundation, but it has an earth floor and no foundation wall on the south side; therefore it is not rat-proof. The wooden floor of the main house is raised about three feet above the earth, leaving a space below it for a shelter for geese. Here the rats have burrowed in the earth, and as it was considered unsafe to use carbon bisulphide there on account of the fire danger, water was suggested. Two lines of common garden hose were attached to a near-by hydrant, the ends inserted into rat holes and the water turned on. All rat holes leading from the henpens to the outer world were closed with earth, and several boys were provided with sticks, to the end of each of which a piece of hose two feet long had been attached. A fox terrier was introduced into the henpens, and in about half an hour the rat war began. As the half-drowned rats came out of their holes somewhat dazed they were struck by side swings of the hose sticks, which knocked them off their feet, to be killed by other blows. If one escaped into the henpens, boy or dog killed it. This operation was repeated later from time to time. Four successive battles several weeks apart yielded 152 rats from under and about this henhouse, and no doubt many young rats were drowned in their nests. Where no high-pressure water main is available burrows on the banks of pond, river or ocean might be cleared in this way by means of a powerful sewer pump and hose.

The pictures show the schoolboys showing off their kill, as well as the rats strung up.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Dec 31, 2012 - Comments (6)
Category: Animals, School, 1900s

The Frogs’ Bollocks

The Frogs' Bollocks and Other Assorted Bollocks from Stephen Ong on Vimeo.

Safe for Work? Of course! It's like an episode of PBS's Nature.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Dec 27, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Animals, Cartoons, Genitals

Dying pigs’ squeal used to sell pianos

Found in Popular Mechanics, October 1907:

It has long been the boast of the Chicago packing houses, that in killing hogs everything is utilized — except the squeal. The squeal has now been turned to account in this way:

An ingenious piano salesman travels through the country, taking several instruments with him. To draw a crowd he gives a free evening entertainment with a moving picture machine. Between each series of views he demonstrates on the pianos. One of his pictures shows the progress of events at a packing house. To make the scenes in the killing room realistic he visited the plant and secured some phonograph records of the porkers as they let out some vigorous remarks. Now when the moving picture reaches the pig sticking act, he turns on his phonograph and his visitors can see and hear just as if they were actually present at the original scene of operations.

I wonder how many pianos he sold using this method.

Posted By: Alex - Sun Dec 23, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Animals, Music, Advertising, 1900s

Most Disturbing Cartoon Lion Ever


[Click to enlarge]


Source of image in Amazon link.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Dec 20, 2012 - Comments (1)
Category: Animals, Anthropomorphism, Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues, Comics, 1950s

Ranger Rick

Is Ranger Rick more ghastly and scary than Woodsy Owl? Your call!

You just know, of course, when he's seated at that computer he's surfing for furry porn.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Dec 17, 2012 - Comments (7)
Category: Animals, Anthropomorphism, Nature, Children, 1960s

Driving Dogs Earn Licenses plus Cartoon Character LIcenses

These dogs drive better than some people I've encountered on the roads.

Here's the link to the Metro report about their training -- one of them is still up for adoption.

Here's another video about the car modifications and the training.

With Google's self-driving cars and these driving dogs, I wonder who (or what) will be on the road next?


Cartoon characters? Here's a link to some cartoon licenses.

Posted By: gdanea - Wed Dec 12, 2012 - Comments (6)
Category: Animals

How To Carve An Elephant

An illustration for this purpose can be found in a sixteenth-century edition of De Arte Coquinaria (On the Subject of Cooking).

A 1905 article in the Strand magazine provides more info about this work:

amongst the dishes herein enumerated we may find hot-pots of cow-heel, pickled broom buds, and Tetrapharmacon, of which latter delicacy we are told that it was made of pheasant, peacock, a wild sow's hock and udder, with a bread pudding over it.

The work is divided into ten books, beginning with soups, pickles, and sauces, and proceeding through the whole art of cookery, with hundreds of recipes, the very reading of which makes one's mouth water. For instance, who could resist "virgin sow drest with broth made of pepper, wine, honey, oyl, and stew'd damsons"? Or dormouse sausages? ...

There are many recipes in the book to dress "cramp-fish, that numb the hands of those that touch them; the cuttlefish, whose blood is like ink; the pourcontrel, or many feet, the sea-urchin or hedgehog." ...

Then, again, we are given minute instructions for the carving of beasts whose flesh was esteemed by the ancients. "In partes of Asia and Africa," we are told, "the oliphant is eaten, not as the Romans and Egyptians were wont to do, sparingly and only as pertain'd to his feete, trunk, and tayle all of which were great delicacies, but his entire carcase is carved and consumed." For the benefit of those who might happen to possess an elephant and be tempted to eat him a chart of carving instructions accompanies the text.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Dec 12, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Animals, Food, Books, Sixteenth Century

Woodsy Owl

Woodsy in the 70s, the 80s and the 90s. The newest look is horrifying, in my opinion, like some creature from THE ISLAND OF DR. MOREAU.

Posted By: Paul - Sun Dec 02, 2012 - Comments (5)
Category: Animals, Authorities and Experts, Government, Nature, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, Fictional Monsters

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Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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