
Turduckens Are So 2005

Ladies, gentlemen, WUvians, I bring you the food of the gods. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but suffice it to say there is bacon involved.

Be sure to check out their other videos, which always include lots of overkill and plenty of bacon.

Posted By: Salamander Sam - Sun Nov 28, 2010 - Comments (13)
Category: Animals, Dreams and Nightmares, Food, Bacon, Mad Scientists, Evil Geniuses, Insane Villains, Video, Documentaries, Fictional Monsters, Eating

Nick the Neurotic Dog

You've probably heard of the Russian researcher Ivan Pavlov who conditioned dogs to salivate whenever they heard the ringing of a bell. Less well known, but more appropriate for Weird Universe, are the experiments of Pavlov's American student W. Horsley Gantt, who was a researcher at Johns Hopkins. Instead of making dogs salivate, Gantt had a dog named Nick who became conditioned to develop an erection whenever he heard a tone. Mandy Merck briefly describes the experiments with Nick in her book In Your Face: 9 Sexual Studies:

Gantt's subjects included Fritz the Alsatian, Peter the beagle, a male poodle known as "V3," and especially the mongrel Nick, subject of "the most meticulous and complete case history of a single animal to be found in the conditioned reflex literature." These animals and others like them were subjected to a barrage of procedures to study conflicts of the drives between, for example, experimentally induced anxiety states and sexual excitement... Nick, in particular, exhibited symptomatic erections and ejaculations whenever he encountered stimuli associated with previous situations of anxiety. Years after one such experiment, in which anxious reactions were elicited by requiring dogs to make a difficult distinction between two tones of similar pitch (a distinction that determined whether the dog was fed), Nick would develop a "prominent erection... within a few seconds after the onset of the tone," Gantt enthused. "We could always count of Nick for a demonstration."

Shown is a picture of poor Nick demonstrating his unusual talent.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Nov 22, 2010 - Comments (9)
Category: Animals, Science, Experiments, Sexuality

Turkey Hat

It's not as great as the skunk hat, but it's pretty cool. And using a real turkey might get pretty messy.

Buy yours here.

Posted By: Paul - Fri Nov 05, 2010 - Comments (5)
Category: Animals, Holidays, Headgear

Toy from Hell

Perusing the toy ads this weekend, I noticed that you can purchase a toy of this character from TOY STORY 3.

Has anybody at Disney actually watched this movie?!? Lots-o-Huggin Bear is the evillest, vilest villain of all times! Offering him as a toy for kids would be like offering an action-figure of the hunter who killed Bambi's mother! What parent will purchase this nightmare-inducing object for Christmas?

Posted By: Paul - Tue Nov 02, 2010 - Comments (11)
Category: Animals, Evil, Toys, Cartoons

The Devil Bat

Here's your Halloween treat! Just a little over an hour of Bela Lugosi and his gigundo flying rodent of death! Enjoy!

Posted By: Paul - Sat Oct 30, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Animals, Death, Horror, Humor, Ineptness, Crudity, Talentlessness, Kitsch, and Bad Art, Movies, 1940s

Poison Squad

Poison Squad from Morpho Animation Studio on Vimeo.

From what I can deduce, this bizarre cartoon exists only as a trailer reel so far. But I'd certainly watch a full episode!

Posted By: Paul - Fri Oct 29, 2010 - Comments (6)
Category: Animals, Cartoons, Central America

Dolphin Invasion!

Remember the episode of The Simpsons where dolphins learned to walk on their tails and invaded the land? It's coming true, as you can see from the second picture in this post. Read the horrifying details here.


Posted By: Paul - Mon Oct 25, 2010 - Comments (9)
Category: Animals, Death, Horror, War

Dog Loves Koala

I bought this postcard yesterday. The back informs us that the dog is named "Husky" and hails from the Lone Pine Sanctuary in Queensland, Australia. Or did live there these many decades gone by.

His pal, the koala, is unnamed.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Oct 13, 2010 - Comments (3)
Category: Animals, Dogs, Australia

Weird Costumes

With Halloween just around the corner, you might want to visit this site featuring odd costumes for inspiration. Although I do not believe they feature this Japanese outfit to the right, which I found elsewhere.

Posted By: Paul - Tue Oct 12, 2010 - Comments (7)
Category: Animals, Costumes and Masks, Holidays, Genitals

les fĂȘtes Ă©tranges

Awhile back I posted a link on here to an article about strange places to visit. More recently I wrote about unusual contests. Now I can combine the two! Men's magazine has created a list of what they think are the top ten weird festivals held around the globe each year. For example, there's the Cow Painting Festival held in Luxembourg each summer. And you probably shouldn't miss the Moose Dropping Festival in Talkeetna, Alaska in July. Plus there's the So Joo Festival in Porto, Portugal in June - bring a hammer! You can see the entire list here.

Posted By: Nethie - Sun Oct 10, 2010 - Comments (2)
Category: Animals, Awards, Prizes, Competitions and Contests, Contests, Races and Other Competitions, Customs, Fairs, Amusement Parks, and Resorts, Magazines, Parades and Festivals

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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