
Being a sheep

Artist Miranda Whall spent much of last summer crawling around on her hands and knees through the Cambrian Mountains in Wales, while dressed as a sheep, with 14 cameras strapped to her body.

She did this in order to immerse herself in the mountains and be able to better tell their story for the documentary she was creating. She said, "I wanted to challenge the assumptions and misconceptions about sheep and the Welsh uplands, both of which are central to Wales' heritage and identity."

For her next project, she's thinking of crawling through Scotland as a deer, and then it's off to the Pyrenees to crawl around as a boar or bear.

More info: BBC News

image source:

Posted By: Alex - Tue Apr 24, 2018 - Comments (7)
Category: Animals, Art

Mystery Illustration

2018 NOTE: The very first in this series.


What does this great illustration by Jan Faust depict?

1) Young lads who prey on MILFs
2) Embezzlement by cash register clerks
3) Lyndon LaRouche's theory of Space Lizards among us
4) An incident from the next Spider-Man film
5) The dangers inherent in our food supply

Find the answer here.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Mar 28, 2018 - Comments (7)
Category: Anthropomorphism, Art, Women

Khrushchev vs. Lachaise

2018 NOTE: Here is the basis for the ongoing series whose latest entry is today.

Original article behind CHICAGO TRIBUNE paywall.

Upon reading this article, I immediately wondered what statue was at the center of the controversy. Finding out took a little google-fu. Eventually, I hit upon the complete catalogue of works shown, in PDF form. Below is the relevant section.

I did not even bother to google any of the other statues after seeing Gaston Lachaise's "Standing Woman."

Posted By: Paul - Mon Mar 12, 2018 - Comments (8)
Category: Art, Criticism and Reviews, 1950s, Russia, Obesity

Artwork Khrushchev Probably Would Not Have Liked 11

Not only do we see "Constructed Torso," but also its creator, Naum Gabo, along with some of his fellow bohemians.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Mar 12, 2018 - Comments (2)
Category: Art, Avant Garde, Russia

Policy by slime mold

Artist Jonathon Keats has checked in with news about his latest project. He's helped arrange for some plasmodial slime molds to become the "first non-human scholars-in-residence" at Hampshire College. The slime molds are being put to work analyzing various complex issues, such as immigration and drug policy, so that we can all benefit from "the unbiased insights of slime molds."

The slime molds have already recommended that cannabis should be legalized:

Slime molds were charged with investigating how availability of soft drugs such as marijuana might impact dependency on hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin: to determine whether cannabis is a gateway to dangerous chemical addiction or a gateway from addiction to well-being. Confronted with a binary choice between a highly-addictive chemical and a nutritionally-balanced meal, slime mold populations consistently choose the former, with consequences that can be fatal. However when presented with a chemical gradient between the addictive substance and nutrients – equivalent to availability of gateway drugs in a human environment – P. polycephalum has shown a tendency to migrate away from the hard stuff but not the opposite. Although the results are still preliminary, they were so remarkable that consortium secretary Jonathon Keats communicated them directly to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, sending a letter stating the slime molds' position that "cannabis and its chemical derivatives should be legalized by the United States government."

More info: The Plasmodium Consortium,

Posted By: Alex - Wed Mar 07, 2018 - Comments (4)
Category: Art, Universities, Colleges, Private Schools and Academia

Mystery Illustration 69

This illustration allegedly depicts a world-famous artist and his path of mad creativity. Who can it be?

The answer is here (page 13).

And after the jump.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Paul - Wed Mar 07, 2018 - Comments (5)
Category: Art, Mental Health and Insanity

Missing Cat Poster or Art?

In 2002, artist Tracey Emin's cat, Docket, went missing. So she put up 'missing cat' posters around her neighborhood. But since she was a famous artist, people immediately began taking the posters down and selling them. Reportedly, they fetched prices as high as £500 each.

This prompted a spokeswoman from Emin's gallery to issue a statement: "Tracey does deal with memorabilia, but the posters are not works of art, it's simply a notice of her missing cat to alert neighbours."

Artist Tamarin Norwood, on her blog, offers these thoughts on the sociology of what was going on with the pilfered Missing Cat posters:

The Missing Cat posters are problematic because the moment they reach a public they are coopted by the poncif already set up by the artist, and as such they become arranged "as part of [her] oeuvre". They are readily coopted because Emin’s particular trademark is "near-absolute identification of the artist with her work": work that is characterized by confessional and subjective autobiographical content that the posters also supply. We might say that Emin has created a convincing, life-sized tableau of her life, and it is difficult to exclude from this tableau anything she does or produces.

Incidentally, Docket was eventually found.

More info: BBC News (Mar 28, 2002)

Posted By: Alex - Thu Feb 22, 2018 - Comments (4)
Category: Art, Cats, 2000s

Artwork Khrushchev Probably Would Not Have Liked 10

I think it's unfair that we have not yet allowed a female artist to rile up Khrushchev. So here is Hedda Sterne with "Cadavre exquis 259," 1930-1932.

Posted By: Paul - Mon Feb 12, 2018 - Comments (2)
Category: Art, Avant Garde, 1930s, Women, North America, Russia

Artwork Khrushchev Probably Would Not Have Liked 9

"Unique Forms of Continuity in Space," 1913 bronze by Umberto Boccioni

More info on the artist.

Posted By: Paul - Thu Jan 25, 2018 - Comments (2)
Category: Art, Avant Garde, 1910s, Russia

Heidi Lee’s Hats

Posted By: Paul - Wed Jan 10, 2018 - Comments (2)
Category: Art, Avant Garde, Surrealism, Eccentrics, Headgear

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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