
Giant Baby Heads

Full story here.

Posted By: Paul - Wed Jul 06, 2016 - Comments (4)
Category: Art, Babies and Toddlers

Mystery Illustration 22


Which very famous movie star--he flourished from the 40s right into our present millennium--is this awkward drawing supposed to represent?

Answer after the jump.

More in extended >>

Posted By: Paul - Sat Jun 25, 2016 - Comments (5)
Category: Art, Ineptness, Crudity, Talentlessness, Kitsch, and Bad Art, Movies, 1940s, Twenty-first Century

The Anatomical Venus


This new book about the "Anatomical Venus" looks to be fascinatingly weird. Lots more photos at the link.

Posted By: Paul - Sat May 21, 2016 - Comments (2)
Category: Art, Body, Surgery, Women, Eighteenth Century

Art by random people approached on the street

1937: As an experiment, art teacher Helen Beach approached random people on the streets of Chicago and offered them a free 12-week art course. Among the 75 volunteers who accepted her offer were train guards, an iceman, a school teacher, postmen, a scrubwoman, and policemen. Later that year she exhibited some of the works her students created, offering them as proof that anyone, with a little training, can release their inner artist. Examples below.

Of course, there has to be some selection bias here — weeding out those whose lack of talent was beyond help.

Helen Beach

"Flannel Night Gown" by Edna Hirt, housewife

"Sunday Night Supper" by Edith Willett, Sunday-school teacher

"Indian Summer" by John Golden, dogcatcher

"Abstract of Sewing Machine" by Maude Hopkins, (no career specified)

"Typewriter" by George Prochmow, letter carrier

Image source: Newsweek - Dec 13, 1937

Posted By: Alex - Fri May 13, 2016 - Comments (7)
Category: Art, 1930s

The House of Dreams

Received an email from Mark Cersosimo:

Hi there!
Very recently I traveled to London for the first time and stumbled upon this man named Stephen Wright who’s systematically turning his home into a giant piece of artwork he calls “The House Of Dreams”.
I made a super short film about him and his home, and thought it may be of interest to you and/or your readers 😊 Would love to hear your thoughts.

Definitely WU-worthy. In fact, Wright's House of Dreams is a bit like WU itself — a collection of oddities gathered in one place over many years.

The House Of Dreams from Mark on Vimeo.

Posted By: Alex - Tue May 10, 2016 - Comments (12)
Category: Art, Movies, Documentaries

Japanese Obscenity Bust, Explained


Do you recall the story about the female Japanese artist who got prosecuted for making a kayak molded into the shape of her vagina?

Now she tells her own tale in a new book.

Posted By: Paul - Tue May 10, 2016 - Comments (7)
Category: Art, Law, Asia, Genitals

Live Light Show

Pigeons with LED lights attached to them flying over the East River in New York, now that's art!

Posted By: Alex - Mon May 09, 2016 - Comments (2)
Category: Animals, Art, Flight

Dartboard Jesus

The latest example of religious-themed art that's stirring up controversy — a "dartboard Jesus." It was on display at the Rutgers University library, as part of an exhibit of student art, but was taken down recently because, according to campus officials, "it did not meet Rutgers University Libraries policy, which requires art exhibitions and their pieces to be based on university events, curricular offerings and topics of interest to the university community." In other words, it became too controversial.

It reminds me of the Crucified Chicken controversy from several years ago.


Posted By: Alex - Tue Apr 26, 2016 - Comments (15)
Category: Art, Religion

Jumpy the Dog Artist

I recently posted about DogVinci the Dog Artist, but I think Jumpy is actually a better artist.

Jumpy's owner is dog trainer Omar von Muller.

Posted By: Alex - Mon Apr 11, 2016 - Comments (7)
Category: Art, Dogs

More Art of the Insane

Following up on Paul's post yesterday about the Electric Pencil. Here's some art created by patients in the criminally insane ward of St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington D.C., mid-1930s.

A "working model of the fourth dimension," examined by Dr. John E. Lind.

A lion (top) and a man on a horse (bottom), created by a "shellshocked, cop-killing veteran" out of chewed toilet paper, hair from clothes and blankets, and cellophane. "Jealous of his accomplishments, the veteran guards his work as assiduously as a setting hen; it must be taken from him while he is asleep."

A locomotive (top) and "something that looks like a caricature of a capitalist" (bottom) drawn by "a mental 10-year-old."

Source: Newsweek - Jan 9, 1937

Also see the earlier post, Art of the Insane, to compare artwork from patients at St. Anne Hospital in France, mid-1940s.

Posted By: Alex - Wed Mar 30, 2016 - Comments (5)
Category: Art, 1930s

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Who We Are
Alex Boese
Alex is the creator and curator of the Museum of Hoaxes. He's also the author of various weird, non-fiction, science-themed books such as Elephants on Acid and Psychedelic Apes.

Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.

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