The first ever concert for fetuses was held a few weeks ago. Soraya Arnelas sang Christmas songs to a group of expectant mothers who were wearing the Babypod speaker, which is a speaker worn inside their hoo-ha, tampon-like.
There have been devices in the past which were designed to play sounds for fetuses, such as the Fetal Educator Strap, but Babypod claims to be the first to play the sounds inside the body itself, rather than through the abdomen, and they think this is a big breakthrough.
Riddle me this: How does a child who was never born become a father? The answer literally lies in a human chimera, the surviving twin who absorbed his brother in the womb. A paternity test turned out negative, the man's sperm tested as a 10% match, and in further testing the man was shown to be the baby's genetic uncle. The twin that was absorbed in the womb is the genetic father to the infant. This is extremely rare but not entirely unheard of. Its just that now DNA testing is more advanced and is done more often so these fascinating rarities will turn up more frequently.
Spiritual healer Dorina Rosin and her partner Maika Suneagle plan to have a "dolphin-assisted" water birth in the ocean, even though experts are warning that this poses many risks. For instance, there's the chance that a great white shark may show up. Also, dolphins in the wild aren't exactly the most docile creatures. They've been known to "toss, beat, and kill other mammals for no apparent reason despite enjoyment."
Nevertheless, Rosin and Suneagle feel these risks are worth it. After all, as long as they don't wind up dead, they believe their ocean-born baby will be able to speak dolphin. More info: CBS Atlanta
Several people who purchased (or were given) a baby jumper sold by the fashion chain Next have complained after they noticed it was "covered in penis drawings." The store admits that, yes, this does appear to be the case, but explains that the original design was "over simplified by the printer and has unintentionally become something else." []
How long will these sweet, innocent babies survive this way? There is just no way to know. As was said in the above clip, there have only been 35 cases ever reported. Good luck Faith and Hope.
Posted By: Alex - Sat May 17, 2014 -
Comments (1)
Category: Babies
How did an unweaned rugrat manage to grow out three or four feet of bright red hair? Was she born with that mop? If so, Mom must have had one heck of a birthing experience.
Is it a wig? if so, please explain in 1000 words or less.
Translation: Brief consideration of the judicial question: whether a pregnant woman, bearing a child while traveling in a stagecoach, is obliged to pay a fare for it or not.
Substitute Greyhound bus for stagecoach, and you have a question still relevant for present-day weird news scenarios.
Dr. Klüver's answer was: No, the woman doesn't have to pay an extra fare for the newly arrived baby.
His reasoning was that: 1) the baby wouldn't take up an extra seat if the mother held it in her lap.
And 2) The driver must have seen that the woman was pregnant when she boarded the coach, so he should have been aware of the possibility of her giving birth and charged her extra at that time, if he felt it was necessary.
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.