Alex raised the topic of navels earlier, little knowing I had something of a similar nature in store!
This is of course a famous and admittedly effective commercial. But we'll include it in our series of oddities for one trivial reason: no navels shown! In a commercial focusing on several bare stomachs!
It was all part of television broadcast standards back then, just as with the famous I Dream of Jennie prohibition against showing Barbara Eden's navel.
"the symmetry, shape, and position of umbilicus can be used to estimate the reproductive potential of fertile females, including risks of certain genetically and maternally inherited fetal anomalies."
The theory seems to be that if you've got problems as a fetus, somehow they're reflected in the shape of the belly button. And such problems may mean you're a less desirable mate later on in life.
So what does this say about supermodel Karolina Kurkova who reportedly has no belly button.
A "nose bidet" (also known as a neti pot) is a device used for nasal irrigation. I'm not really sure how it works, but I think it involves pouring water into one nostril so that it comes out the other. Wikipedia reports that in some parts of India, this practice is as common as brushing one's teeth.
But even better is the yogic nasal cleansing practice of Sutra Neti:
One end of a cord, or rubber catheter, is passed from the nose into the back of the throat where it is grabbed by the fingers and pulled out of the mouth. Holding the nose end of the cord with one hand and the mouth end with the other, the cord is gently pulled to and fro.
I already floss my teeth once a day. I don't think I need to floss my nose.
In the current economic recession, a lot of people are making some extra money by selling whatever gold they have in their house. Another option is to sell your hair.
Hair Trader describes itself as "the world's largest independent hair sale site."
I'm curious if there are any buyers other than wig makers. If so, what possible use could they have for someone else's hair?
Posted By: Alex - Tue Dec 16, 2008 -
Comments (5)
Category: Body
If you're looking for an unusual gift for someone this Christmas, consider getting a FaceStatue.
Upload two mugshot photos of the face (yours or someone else's) to, and they'll use the photos to create a 3D plastic-composite face statue. Prices start at only $49 for a 1/8 size facemask, and go all the way up to $1999 for a lifesize head.
The interesting twist: you can choose to have your FaceStatue look older or younger than you actually are. Plus, you can get an African, Indian, Asian or Caucasian model of yourself.
For those with a fetish for very long nails, offers countless hours of entertainment: long nail pictures, tips and advice, links and more!!!
Just try to control yourself as long-nail goddess Kathy Hayes bathes her feet:
We saw how the advertising industry created the concept of "B.O." for "body odor." Here, less successfully, they tried to triple the problem. Note how coyly the term "other personal odors" is used to refer to farting.
Is there any scientific proof that chlorophyll tablets do anything in the human body?
And don't you just love the look of disgust on that gal's face?
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.