How would you like to pay between $900 and $1300 for a laptop that smells like cat urine? The Dell customers who did just that were not too happy about it. Especially the ones with cats as many of them were scolding their kitties for it. Dell says it was a manufacturing problem that has been corrected, but what manufacturing procedure caused that kind of smell??
Posted By: Alex - Fri Nov 01, 2013 -
Comments (8)
Category: Computers
Steve Jobs passed away earlier today. This may not seem like the kind of thing to post on Weird Universe, but consider what kind of place this world would be without him. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the Apple II, the first home computer many would use, and thanks to this and other innovations like the graphical operating system, the internet friendly iMac, and the always connected iPhone, the world is now fully connected, allowing anyone instant access to the kinds of weird things we here at Weird Universe love. Sure, he didn't create the internet all by himself, but if it weren't for some of the innovations his company pioneered, the world might have turned out to be a much more normal (and boring) place than it is today.
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.