It's a law of nature that when you've got to go, you've
got to go. So if you happen to be a penguin out on the antarctic ice, well, that's where you've got to go. Which turns out to be an extremely useful fact for scientists, who have used piles of penguin poo identified on satellite images to locate where penguin colonies form. Researchers from the
British Antarctic Survey hope to use the new technique to follow the penguins over many seasons and determine how much impact global warming is having on the species (
Meanwhile British beekeepers must be cursing that not all animals can be tracked by satellite so easily after an outbreak of bee-rustling has swept the coutryside. The spate of thefts has been provoked by rises in the price of honey combined with a shortage of bees brought about by disease. In the largest bee-heist so far, 18 hives containing over a million bees were stolen from a strawberry field they had been pollinating. According to John Howat of the Bee Farmers Association, pulling off such an audacious crime would require "inside knowledge" (
BBC News).
And it's not just beekeepers who are missing their wildlife. A UK radio station that has broadcast nothing but a repeating loop of birdsong for 18 months as "filler" has finally shut down to make way for a new commercial station, and raised howls of protest from many of its
half a million regular listeners. The twenty year-old recording, made in a wiltshire garden and used by the radio station free-of-charge, became a massive hit with people from all over Britain, including author Terry Pratchett, who found it a relaxing alternative to the usual radio fare. The replacement broadcast, Amazing Radio, plays music by unsigned bands uploaded to (
Pocket Lint).
Finally, here's one story that almost missed the boat (ark?), swimming with stingrays may be harmful... for the stingrays. Scientists monitoring the sealife around the Camen islands have found that tourist excursions to pet the wildlife around the islands is leading to weaker immune systems and poorer health in the animals. Christina Semeniuk, an ecologist at Simon Fraser University in Canada, cited collisions with boats, overcrowding and hand-fed squid forming an greater part of their diet as the main suspects. She pointed to other studies on bears, penguins, dolphins, and apes which also showed increased stress and illness due to wildlife tourism (
Your Historical Daily Loser - Edward Blaine was having a bad day. How bad was it, you ask? When he tried to rob a bank in Port Royal, Virginia, he dropped half the money on the way out, then discovered he had locked his keys inside the getaway car. That's when the angry civilians caught up to him. He tried to flee but was run down and in the struggle he managed to shoot himself in the leg.
The Story.
Jury Duty - The expression on
Joseph Monahan's face is priceless. He's been charged with disorderly conduct in a licensed establishment. Disorderly conduct is defined as acts that are of a nature to corrupt the public morals, or outrage the sense of public decency, etc. A licensed establishment is, for lack of a better word, a bar. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but, isn't a bar the perfect place to commit acts that could corrupt the public morals?
Your Daily Loser(s) - I normally use this space to highlight the stupid actions of regular folks who are caught breaking the law in some way.
Today, however, the honor of being a Daily Loser goes to a few police officers, in Baltimore, Maryland. You see, Joshua Kelly and Llara Brook, of Chantilly, Virginia, went to watch the big game between the Orioles and Kansas City in Camden Yards. But they had never been to Camden Yards before, so... they got lost. Read
the story to find out how the police reacted when Joshua and Llara tried to ask for directions.
Jury Duty - There is a long history of people taking the law into their own hands in order to mete out justice.
Jerome Ersland of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is now firmly established in that history. Ersland has been charged with first-degree murder for killing a teenager who tried to rob his Pharmacy.
The Story.
Your Daily Loser(s) - Look kids! A new game! Joshua N. Sizemore and Amanda L. Madison of Lakewood, Washington, wanted to play strip poker, but they didn't have any cards. At least, that's the only reason I can think of for what they did next... They decided to throw baseball-sized rocks onto cars from a bridge over the interstate. If the left headlight of a car broke, Amanda had to remove some clothing. If the right headlight was broken, it was Joshua's turn to get naked. The police were not amused.
The Story.
Jury Duty - Typically this section is for posting the mug shot of an accused criminal and WUvians decide his or her guilt (or innocence) based on the image. So I'm warning you that
this is not a typical mug shot. Instead, it's
the story of a 'brave' soul who just wanted some cigarettes to go with his beer. (Be sure to watch the video! I, for one, can't stop laughing.)
Your Daily Loser - Henry Gasiorowski, of Greenwich, Connecticut probably feels like the biggest turkey after a recent hunting accident. Mr. Gasiorowski was sitting behind a turkey decoy, making turkey calls when a companion shot him.
The Story. (Today's Daily Loser story brought to you by Bill_!)
Jury Duty - Did she think it was a crime to go to Disney World?
Bonnie Sweeten from Pennsylvania called 911 to report that she and her daughter had been abducted and were trapped in the trunk of a car. Two hours later, Bonnie (and daughter Julia) boarded a flight from Philadelphia to Orlando, Florida, under a false name. She was found and later taken into custody inside the popular theme park.
The Story.
Your Daily Loser - Romeo Montillano, of San Diego, California, wanted to be a cop more than anything. Well, almost. Apparently he wanted to be a burglar more.
The Story.
Jury Duty - No good deed shall go unpunished!
81 year-old James Stacy of Akron, Ohio, has been charged with criminal damaging after he took a pickaxe and a broom to a pothole in front of his driveway to clear debris. One of Mr. Stacy's neighbors summed up the situation pretty well when she said, "I think this whole thing is asinine."
The Story.
Your Daily Loser - Pauline Terry wrote a letter to the police denying that her Club Compass in Ramsgate, Kent was a haven for drug taking. Unfortunately she wrote that letter on a piece of paper that was coated with cocaine.
The Story.
Jury Duty - Some morons will do anything for money. For instance,
William Cunningham was recently sentenced to 100 years in prison for poisoning his children's soup in order to extort money from the Campbell's Soup company.
The Story. I'm guessing he won't be getting a card on father's day. (This is also further proof that men with facial hair can't be trusted.)
Your Daily Loser(s) - You might think you need to have some brains to get into college, but apparently not always. Three 18 year-old Salem State College students wandered into the local police station to report an accident. They were advised that they needed to wait for an officer on patrol to come by and take their statements. So, they decided to hang out in the parking lot... and have a few drinks to pass the time.
The Story.
Jury Duty - Someone needs to explain to these guys that you don't literally have to break into Show Business.
The Goffney twins of South Jersey have had a few run-ins with the law, and are now accused of more than 30 rooftop breakins. But their main goal is to make it big in the gay porn industry.
The Story.
Your Daily Loser - Andrew Wilson of Bristol is the first person to ever be convicted of getting a dog drunk. Wilson was looking after the American Bulldog when he got the bright idea to give the dog a can of
Stella Artois beer. Of course the beer came after he had already forced the poor dog to drink some Vodka.
The Story. I guess if you're going to make a dog drunk, you should stick with the premium alcoholic beverages.
Jury Duty - George C. Dalmas III used to work for the CIA. I say used to because he was arrested and charged with seventeen burglaries in the McLean, Virginia, area. And sure, he took money and jewelry, but police also recovered more than 1,000 pairs of women's underwear.
The Story. //
The Mugshot.
Your Daily Loser - Criminals will blame anyone and everything but themselves when they get caught. Jonathan Lee Riches of Nashville says that he was influenced by NASCAR when he was caught driving 135 MPH. It was also NASCAR's fault that he was forced to steal credit cards in order to attend races... oh, and he was poisoned by DuPont chemicals from Jeff Gordon's race car.
The Story.
Jury Duty - With a name like
Honesty, how can you go wrong? Honesty Knight, from Muncie, Indiana, was a passenger in a friend's car when that car was pulled over by a state trooper. While the trooper was talking to the friend, Honesty asked if she could smoke. The officer agreed, and good Ol' Honesty lit up... a joint.