And we all know how much cats and dogs love to chew kelp!
The article says that Clara Peters was a housewife, which seems unlikely given the nature of her public offer. But who knows.
Alberni Valley Times - Aug 13, 1974
How we did things before there was CGI.
In the 1950s, reports came out of the Soviet Union about an unusual experiment in which a dog's life was radically lengthened by putting it into an artificial sleep for three months.
The research was done by S.N. Braines (I have no idea what "S.N." stands for). I believe that he reported his results in a 1952 article titled,
"Result of artificial sleep in a biological experiment," published in a Soviet journal. But I can't be sure because I can't find the text of the article.
The results he achieved sound unlikely to me.
Omaha World-Herald - Oct 17, 1958
Text from Main Street, U.S.S.R. (1959), by Irving R. Levine
Genetic engineering has gone too far!
I posted a few days ago about
a woman who was struck by a sheep that fell off a bridge. Here's a similar (but fatal) case of a motorcyclist hit by a dog that fell off a bridge.
So, while I knew that people being hit by falling humans is a recurring phenomenon, evidently so is people being hit by falling animals.
Rapid City Journal - July 18, 1993
I would have enjoyed seeing the dogs emerge from the viol itself, but--as I interpret the patent--they are in the box at the base of the instrument. Still, a musical instrument filled with beer is also acceptable.
Original patent here.
In her 1690 pamphlet
Mundus Muliebris, Mary Evelyn included a recipe for a woman's facial lotion. She called it "Puppidog Water for the Face":
Take a Fat Pig, or a Fat Puppidog, of nine days old, and kill it, order it as to Roast; save the Blood, and fling away nothing but the Guts; then take the Blood, and Pig, or the Puppidog, and break the Legs and Head, with all the Liver and the rest of the Inwards . . . to that, take two Quarts of old Canary, a pound of unwash’d Butter not salted; a Quart of snails-Shells, and also two Lemmons . . . Still all these together in a Rose Water Still . . . Let it drop slowly into a Glass-Bottle, in which let there be a lump of Loaf-Sugar, and a little Leaf-Gold.
The recipe was intended to be satirical, but Fenja Gunn, in her 1973 book
The Artificial Face: A History of Cosmetics, notes that it was satire rooted in contemporary realities — notably the persistent rumor that Elizabeth I's pomade was made from puppy dog fat, and the seventeenth-century belief that drinking puppy dog urine was good for the complexion.
Some more info about puppy dogs used as moisturizers can be found on the
Early Modern Medicine blog:
The medicinal use of puppies, known for their moisturising quality, is detailed in French physician Ambroise Paré's The Method of Curing Wounds by Gun-Shot (1617), which included a recipe for a healing balm that requires boiling two young whelps. The same recipe can be found in Nicholas Culpeper's Pharmacopoeia Londinensis (1653). To make 'Oleum Catellorum or Oil of Whelps,
Takes Sallet Oil four pound, two Puppy-dogs newly whelped, Earthworms washed in white Wine one pound; boil the Whelps til they fall in pieces then put in the worms a while after strain it, then with three ounces of Cypress Turpentine, and one ounce of Spirits of Wine, perfect the Oil according to Art.
For prices starting at around $400 (converted from £330), you can get an oil painting of your dog in uniform.
No mention of cats in uniform, but I'm guessing that if you're willing to pay for it, they'd be willing to paint it.
More info:
Fabulous Masterpieces
Have you ever considered commissioning a dog portrait in uniform? Take a look at Deef the dog above. His owners really wanted an oil painting of their dog painted as the Count of Monte Cristo. And personally, I think it’s come out really well. In fact our paintings of dogs in uniform or having your dogs in costume have become extremely popular, more so than our dog artists ever thought.