Jacks of Science has collected a list of "Unintentionally inappropriate science papers" which includes:
AN Oraevsky, Spontaneous emission in a cavity, PHYS-USP, 37 (4), 393-405 (1994)
D. Vlassopoulos, et al. From hairy balls to hairy rods : Using macromolecular chemistry to bridge the gap between polymers and colloids, The Journal of Rheology (2000)
S. Tanveer, Surprises in Viscous Fingering, J. Fluid Mech. vol. 409, pp. 273–308 (2000)
W. Likos, N. Lu. Automated Measurement of Total Suction Characteristics in High-Suction Range: Application to Assessment of Swelling Potential, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1755 119-128 (2001)
To this I can add:
Pinto, RMN. (1962). Sex and acoustic trauma: audiologic study among 199 Varig Airlines (Brazil) Flight-Stewards and Stewardesses. Revista Brasileira de medicina. 19(6): 326-327.
Unfortunately not as interesting as it sounds, because by "sex" they mean "gender". And also:
Carbaugh, BT, et al. Effects of morphological variations of chicken models on sexual responses of cocks. Animal Behaviour. 10: 235-238.
Jordan Witham is a mechaphile, which means that he likes to have sex with cars. His "partner" is a 1967 VW Beetle. He explains:
“Sometimes I stroke and kiss her bodywork, or rub myself up against her. If I’ve just been driving her, I have to wait for the exhaust pipe to cool down before I have sex. And I always use a condom because of all the dirt and dust inside.”
The article in Closer magazine about him is a bit old (from May of this year), but the best part about it is that Jordan himself (or someone claiming to be him) has been posting in the comments thread, defending his behavior with lines such as, "This article makes it sound like I'm a wild car-rapist. In reality, I just love my cars a lot, and sometimes get kinky with 'em."
This article in today's NEW YORK TIMES tells us about "Street Wars," a game played in urban environments by players determined to "kill" each other. Several precedents for this game are cited in the article, but the writer misses the most important and primal one: A 1953 story by famed and beloved SF writer Robert Sheckley, titled "The Seventh Victim."
The story was later filmed as THE 10TH VICTIM. Its most famous scene: Ursula Andress using guns concealed in her bra, as seen in the second clip below.
Continuing the baldness theme, there's something disturbing about this recent Hair Club for men infomercial. Don't Mike and his stepdaughter seem to be a bit too flirtatious with each other?
[From Life for September 24 1956. Two separate scans, top and bottom.]
Judging by the reaction of the people in the background, these are either a) real transgenic tiger men walking down the street; or b) very convincing masks. In either case, the viewer is forced to ask, "Are tigers particularly famous for their sartorial choices?"
BONUS: this ad may serve as Furry porn, if you're so inclined.
Are you having trouble getting drunk? Are your mixed drinks not having the proper effect, fast enough, or perhaps engendering too large a hangover? Does your choice of drink preclude picking up the partner you truly desire and deserve at your local bar?
That's because you are not taking astrology into account! Your zodiacal sign is all-important in determining your proper beverage!
Or so we learn from this magazine pamphlet (source unknown, but probably Playboy of a certain vintage).
Read on, after the jump, and you'll learn what cocktail you should be imbibing!
Paul Di Filippo
Paul has been paid to put weird ideas into fictional form for over thirty years, in his career as a noted science fiction writer. He has recently begun blogging on many curious topics with three fellow writers at The Inferior 4+1.