Fellow WU-vies--thanks to the alertness of several readers, we have been notified of a problem with posting comments. The captcha feature is glitched, working inconsistently. Our Master Hacker Alex (I think he learned all he knows from 1983's
WarGames) is working on a fix now.
Thanks for your patience. Without your comments, the blog would be only half what it is.
Update from Alex: I "fixed" the problem by disabling the captcha system. Which may leave us wide open to spammers. We'll see how it goes for a few days.
Update 2: Wow! Allowing comment posting without captchas was like opening wide the floodgates of spam. So that experiment lasted only about 10 minutes. For now I've changed the admin settings so that only logged-in members can post comments. And in the meantime, I'll search for an alternative captcha system that is compatible with our very old blogging software.
Update 3: I found and installed an alternative captcha system. Let's see if it works! The neat thing is that most people won't see a captcha at all. It only shows if it thinks you might be a spammer, and it then asks you to solve a simple math problem.
Be sure to check out the new ongoing strip by WU's own Rick Altergott, at VICE magazine.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Now that the season is officially over, I can state with certainty that the best card I received this year was from WU's own Rick Altergott, depicting the artist, his charming and beautiful wife Ariel, and their son Eddie.
Happy New Year to all!
Eagle-eyed WU-vies will have spotted the new sidebar, installed by Alex this weekend, where we will recommend books of sufficient weirdness, we hope, to deserve your attention.
The reason for picking most of the titles should be obvious, at least upon visiting their page. But if we want to expand on our reason for selecting a book, we'll do a separate post on the main blog.
We hope this new feature brings you lots of pleasant--and weird--reading!
PS: if you want to bring something worthy of dissemination to our notice, please do so!
[Click to enlarge]
I am taking the liberty of "reprinting" a page from the latest SpongeBob comic because it features the newest work from our resident genius artist Rick Altergott. The whole issue is hilarious, and you should grab one for yourself or any young budding WU-vie.
With Chuck temporarily away from WU, it's more imperative than ever
to read his weekly column.
[Left to right: Paul, Alex, Chuck and Patty]
Whoops! Meant to get this one up yesterday, but was swamped with work! Anyhow.....
The first post on WU was July 7, 2008.
Four years of weirdness! Nearly 14 million pages views! That's a lot of oddball fun!
Our thanks to all our readers and reader-posters. This blog simply would not work without you all!
Dear WUvies,
If you examine the menu in the top-right of the screen, you'll see that I've added a pinterest link. This will take you to the WU pinterest page I just created. Not a whole lot there right now, but it'll grow over time.
I'm not a huge fan of facebook and twitter, but from what I've seen of pinterest so far, I'm enjoying it because it offers such an easy way to make image galleries. I thought some galleries would make a nice supplement to the site -- allowing us to collect together and highlight some of the more unique images that have been posted here over the past 3 years, but which tend to be forgotten when they slip off the front page into the vast morass of the archive (currently at 438 pages and counting).
I think it's possible to give people permission to pin images directly to the WU pinterest boards. So if you're a pinterest fan and want to start adding to our boards, let me know.
According to Google Webmaster Tools, these are the top search queries (on google) that led people to Weird Universe. The "impressions" is the number of times a WU page was viewed on a google search results page. And the "clicks" is the number of times someone actually clicked on one of those search results and ended up at WU. Obviously we need to work on getting our 'tryptophobia' and 'russian porn' click-through rates up.