12 years a slave fashion mannequin

The movie "12 Years a Slave" may seem like an unlikely source for fashion inspiration. Nevertheless, a store in Oxford decided to place a mannequin beside a DVD display case of the movie, dressed in clothes similar to the ones worn by the slave protagonist of the movie. From independent.co.uk: "Looking defiantly summer-ready, the mannequin wears a loose-fitting, holey beige shirt and black trousers, completing the look with a twig in the front pocket."

     Posted By: Alex - Tue May 27, 2014
     Category: Fashion

That looks like Bob Denver's wardrobe from "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis"; http://www.bobdenver.com/dobie-gillis/
Posted by tadchem on 05/27/14 at 02:08 PM
Fashion inspired by cinema drawn from real lives has endless possibilities! Mannequins missing arms for "Hotel Rwanda"! Yellow star armbands for "Schindler's List"! Accessorize with leg irons for "Amistad"!

Perhaps a new Marie Antoinette flick will inspire the fashionistas to carry their heads about in baskets.
Posted by Flamingo on 05/28/14 at 02:39 PM
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