What’s good for baby

While we're on the subject of what's good and/or bad for baby let me make this offering.

If you're not old enough to remember Blatz Beer (sold to Pabst in '59) then you, most likely, could walk before the age of six but, I'll bet you we had a happier childhood.

     Posted By: Expat47 - Wed Jun 23, 2010

Yea... they'll never, ever put a tax on beer.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/23/10 at 09:22 AM
IIRC, guys, beer was, in fact, prescribed to nursing mothers at least up until 1947. Bud id diddnt caus kno problms grown up fur us.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/23/10 at 11:55 AM
probably better for both mother and child than a nerve pill. in moderation that is.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/23/10 at 12:18 PM
My mother put whiskey in my bottle to get me to sleep. BD pours himself another Crown and Coke. 😝
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 06/23/10 at 05:29 PM
My uncles drank Blatz in North East Ohio back in the '70s, and you can still buy it in Milwaukee.
Posted by Freddie Freelance on 06/23/10 at 09:45 PM
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