A Death Foretold

Malkeet Singh predicted that he would die on Sunday, April 8, 1984 at exactly 10am. Then he would be reincarnated as a 1400-year-old faith healer. Dozens of people turned up to witness the event, but nothing happened. So Singh told the crowd to come back after lunch. Still, nothing happened. The next day Singh returned to work at the local Ford factory.

Coventry Evening Telegraph - Apr 9, 1984

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Feb 26, 2024
     Category: Death | Predictions | 1980s

My uncle Bob predicted that his wifes boyfriend would die on a specific date and sure enough he did. Uncle Bob passed away in San Quentin doing 30 to life.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 02/26/24 at 03:51 AM
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