ACM Wallet

Yes, for only $60.00 you can replace the rubber band that's currently wrapped around your driver's license and credit cards with an ACM Wallet, much too bulky to fit into any pocket or purse, but perfect for a Sherpa's knapsack. Imagine the awed look when you whip this out at a restaurant or store.

I imagine the reaction you'd get would look something like this:
     Posted By: Paul - Fri Oct 31, 2008
     Category: Business | Products | Inventions | Chindogu | Money

Only $19.95 + $25.25 shipping and handling while they last!
Order yours today!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/31/08 at 10:34 AM
It looks like a toy I'd buy my kids at the dollar store!
Posted by KW in Dallas, TX on 10/31/08 at 11:36 AM
What in the hell is the guy in the pic sniffing? And does he have eye-liner on? that a female?
Posted by Madd Maxx on 10/31/08 at 01:23 PM
My husband bought one of these (or something similar anyway) ~5 years ago because it looked cool... unfortunately the picture he saw was from the front only! So he didn't realize how bulky it was. It's a shame, because it worked well, it just wasn't practical for a pocket wallet.
Posted by Cristie on 10/31/08 at 01:36 PM
.75 inches thick? That doesn't seem bulky. My wallet is probably at least an inch and a half. It does have two compartments, for cash, one for cards & checkbook.
Posted by Maegan on 10/31/08 at 03:36 PM
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