Air Cannon

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A couple of fellows with too much time on their hands. The article has a lot of info on the cannon.
     Posted By: Alex - Tue Jan 26, 2010

that's one big ass cannon! 🐛
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/26/10 at 09:44 PM
American ingenuity!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/26/10 at 11:45 PM
Here are the results from the 2009 World Pumpkin Chucking Championship.

All I can say is that I feel much safer with these folks using their guns to shoot pumpkins
Posted by odschneider on 01/27/10 at 08:18 AM
no problem Bill. The World Punkin Chucking Competition can't get enough mentions in my opinion. It looks like now they just report no results as seroes. A few years ago they reported them as an icon of a pie, denoting that the pumpkin became mashed upon acceleration.

There are 13 classes for different agegs, genders, and classes of hurlers. The world record is over 4400 ft
Posted by odschneider on 01/27/10 at 04:06 PM
my boss (and friend) was just telling me about the pumkin chucking thing today. apparently it is televised each year because he always watches it. he says it is extremely cool.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 01/27/10 at 05:41 PM
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