The American Association of Psychiatrists from India

This group was founded in 1979 and later changed its name — but not because they were concerned that the name sounded oddly contradictory. Instead, they wanted to avoid being confused with the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. The group is now known as the Indo-American Psychiatric Association. Details from its website:

In the fall of 1979, six psychiatrists of Indian origin from the metropolitan area of New York City met to discuss the need of an organization that would address the professional needs and interests of psychiatrists from India.

It was estimated at that time that there were approximately 1000‐1200 psychiatrists of Indian origin practicing or in training in the US.

The group also agreed that the organization should include all mental health professionals interested in the vision and mission of this organization.

This group started out as a professional, educational and social group.

The organization was named as the American Association of Psychiatrists from India (AAPI).
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Aug 14, 2022
     Category: Clubs, Fraternities and Other Self-selecting Organizations

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