An egg inside an egg

In 1949, farmer Fred Bollman of St. Louis found that one of his hens had laid an unusually large egg. When he picked up the egg, it cracked, revealing a second egg that had formed inside.

The phenomenon of an egg inside an egg is extremely rare. It's caused by the process of "counter-peristalsis contraction." As explained by

It occurs when a formed egg begins traveling backwards in a hen's oviduct and becomes embedded inside a second egg in the process of developing.
The second egg forms around the first, hence the large size.

In March 2018, Wendy Devuyst found that one of her hens had laid an unusually large egg. She suspected it was an egg-inside-an-egg (because the same hen had previously laid one of these), so she filmed herself cracking it open. And sure enough, it was.

     Posted By: Alex - Thu Jan 05, 2023
     Category: Eggs

Why do I have this sudden urge to find an ethically-challenged veterinary surgeon to insert a quail's egg into a chicken, the resulting egg into an emu, and the resulting egg into an ostrich. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would want such a 4-in-1 egg or what use it could possibly be, but I believe unusual avenues of research should be explored. Once. (Once is curiosity, twice is perversion.)
Posted by Phideaux on 01/05/23 at 12:42 PM
@Phideaux: I suspect there are two problems with your experiment. One, too much shell; two, the eggs will taste so similar it won't be much of an experience. You'll just have a massive egg. Still, I would agree that the experiment might be worth doing, even if only once.
Posted by Richard Bos on 01/07/23 at 09:50 AM
Phideaux, That's gonna be a hard one to pronounce. Think "Turducken". Even the one somebody created with an ostrich, turducken, and lark can be said "Osturduckenark".
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 01/08/23 at 09:49 AM
Posted by Phideaux on 01/08/23 at 09:58 PM
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