Appreciating Our Parents

Insidious adult-slanted propaganda!
     Posted By: Paul - Thu Oct 09, 2014
     Category: Domestic | Family | PSA’s | 1950s

Tommy's thinking about where Mom took his nuddie magazines.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/09/14 at 09:38 AM
I thought Tommy was going to walk in on Father doing Mother bent over the kitchen counter.
Posted by F.U.D. on 10/09/14 at 10:03 AM
Help fight Communism! You just know that little Ivan doesn't clean up his bedroom.
Posted by KDP on 10/09/14 at 12:39 PM
As Mr.T so eloquently put it, "I pity the fool that don't love his mama!" :lol: :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 10/09/14 at 07:35 PM
Mr. T should pity the people who have no mama to love any more...
Posted by Richard Bos on 10/11/14 at 05:05 AM
I'm sure he does Richard! :coolsmile:
Posted by Tyrusguy on 10/11/14 at 08:56 AM
Going to have to disagree Tyrus. Mr T seems to devote his pity to fools. Mamalessness is misfortunate, not foolish.
Posted by BHicks on 10/12/14 at 07:29 AM
Yeah. And I pity misfortune more than foolishness.
Posted by Richard Bos on 10/12/14 at 09:49 AM
I love our comments section! I make a quick toss off comment and next thing I know we're discussing the objects of Mr.T's pity! :lol:
For the record I'm sure Mr.T would pity anyone who doesn't love their mama.
In short, I would pity anyone who doesn't love their parents regardless of the reason. As to one who doesn't have a mama to love "any more", What about the one who never knew their mama at all!
There is almost always someone worse off than the object of your pity.
Does this make them (the object) less deserving of your pity?
Posted by Tyrusguy on 10/12/14 at 10:32 AM
Who would you consider more pitiable, someone who never loved their mom, someone who never knew their mom or someone who knew and loved and lost their mom?? What is sadder, to lose a parent when you are a child and never really know them or to lose a parent when you are an adult and you know and depend on them for support and guidance. Or perhaps to never know a parent at all? An unknown parent can not disappoint you. A beloved parent teaches you that it is okay to be fallible, that you can make mistakes and still be loved. A parent who dies when their child is young is hero worshipped but the child can be stunted in their attitude and understanding where that parent is concerned. I think the only honest answer is for each person it is different as we can only experience our own reality. Also each of us must choose what to take from our experiences, positive or negative. I hope you all find the positive in life. I keep trying everyday myself.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/12/14 at 11:50 PM
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