Arrow Storks

Arrow storks (in German Pfeilstörche) are storks that got arrows stuck in their body while wintering in Africa but nevertheless managed to fly back to their summer habitats in Europe. To date, around twenty-five Pfeilstörche have been documented.

From wikipedia:

The first and most famous Pfeilstorch was a white stork found in 1822 near the German village of Klütz, in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It was carrying a 75-centimetre (30 in) spear from central Africa in its neck. The specimen was stuffed and can be seen today in the zoological collection of the University of Rostock.

Image & text: Overlooked Sights. German Places. By Michaela Vieser and Reto Wettach.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon May 20, 2024
     Category: Animals | Science


Coincidence? I don't know.
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/01/24 at 12:36 PM

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