Automatic Devil Dog Car Alarm

Contrary to the delightful ad, alarm did not speak phrases, but merely sounded the horn, as with modern car alarms.

See the actual device here, with explanation.
     Posted By: Paul - Tue Dec 13, 2016
     Category: Crime | Technology | 1930s | Cars

Almost 70 years before GTA there seems to have been a need for a car alarm.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 12/13/16 at 11:46 AM
In 1989 I rented an apartment, in a shotgun building on a narrow lot, in downtown Sacramento while I attended university. Granted it was not like living in the suburbs but crime rates were actually fairly low. A neighbor in a house next to the apartments had a VIPER! alarm in his car. The sensitivity was not adjusted correctly and a leaf falling on the car or a dog pissing on a tire would set the damned thing off. For the next two minutes or so it would loudly announce that the car was protected by a VIPER! alarm system and to step away from the car, followed by whoops and wheeps. Talking to the owner brought no satisfaction so eventually I threw a rock through the back window while it was whooping and wheeping at two-thirty a.m. Apparently the owner took the hint and the alarm sounded much less often after that.
Posted by KDP on 12/14/16 at 09:10 AM
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