baby ziplock

The miracle baby who survived--thanks to zip-lock bags
The ultrasound showed the little thing was in serious trouble, forcing doctors to bring it out way-prematurely, and it turns out that the perfect way to keep little Billy (2 lbs., 2 ozs.) in the incubator was inside a Tesco supermarket plastic sandwich bag. Daily Telegraph (London)
     Posted By: Chuck - Wed Sep 03, 2008

Yikes!?! That's seriously mild me'lady. Me thinks it's time to get out the garlic, silverware and maybe a wooden spike or two just to be safe.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 09/04/08 at 12:38 AM
Thanks for requesting prayers on my behalf, Pablo, but I object to the "his chaps are covered" comment. While I certainly have and wear chaps (get your mind out of the gutter -- notice the "biker"?), the correct statement would be "her chaps are covered." But as I'm not a holyroller, I'll still take the prayers.
Posted by BikerPuppy on 09/04/08 at 11:11 AM
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