Balenciaga Towel Skirt

Balenciaga recently debuted a "towel skirt" that retails for $925. It's been receiving quite a lot of attention.

Ikea spoofed if by coming out with a "VINARN towel skirt".

A writer for Vogue tried wearing it on her morning commute. She wrote, "It looked like I’d locked myself out of the house while doing the bins... Only the bins were across town."

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Apr 23, 2024
     Category: Fashion | Overpriced Merchandise

Ford Prefect might even approve...
Posted by crc on 04/23/24 at 05:39 AM
When I click the link to the Balenciaga site, I get the message 'An internal error has occurred'. That explains a lot.
Posted by René Bos on 04/23/24 at 02:01 PM
Rene -- Looks like they removed it from their site.
Posted by Alex on 04/23/24 at 10:42 PM
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