Beforehand Postcards

The concept of Beforehand Postcards was that, if you were going on vacation to Europe, you could buy your postcards from them beforehand. Then you could address the cards, and maybe even write them, before you left. Once you arrived in Europe, all you would have to do was mail them.

The business lasted a little over ten years, from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s.

Philadelphia Inquirer - June 17, 1973

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Jun 29, 2024
     Category: Tourists and Tourism | 1970s | Postal Services

But... where's the fun in that? Picking a postcard, locally, that you know this particular friend or family member will love, that's fun. Buying them in bulk when you've never even been to the place is - well, it's industry tourism. It's not even weird, it's soul-lless.
Posted by Richard Bos on 06/29/24 at 06:20 AM
The concept was used as a plot point in the 1967 Doctor Who TV story "The Faceless Ones" (the bad guys were using the pre-completed postcards to disguise the fact that tourists were being abducted en-route and never made it to their intended destination).
Posted by Stuart on 06/29/24 at 08:33 AM

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