brainwave lawsuit

North America's least-decisive judge
Guy files a lawsuit demanding $2B from Microsoft, Wal-Mart, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Univ. of British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, and other entities who have propagated brain waves to control his mind, and are even continuing their nefarious scheme at this moment to keep the lawsuit out of court. But Justice Fraser Wilson, clearly impervious to the brain control, refuses to dismiss the lawsuit, not quite sure yet whether there's anything to it. Vancouver Sun
     Posted By: Chuck - Thu Nov 13, 2008

What? The judge hasn't made a decision? Clearly the Microsoft/Wal-Mart/RCMP/UBCCPS mind control waves have blinded him to the truth of their joint evil endeavor! Tin foil hats, unite!
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 11/13/08 at 11:40 AM
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