Cavalcade of Jazz Beauty Pageant

There is very little historical information about the annual "Cavalcade of Jazz" festival held in Los Angeles at Wrigley Field. Surprising, in light of lots of appearances by big-name artists.

But one thing is certain: they also held a beauty contest.

     Posted By: Paul - Fri Jan 05, 2018
     Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Contests, Races and Other Competitions | Music | 1940s | 1950s

Most minor league ballparks don't make an impression outside of the hardcore fan base. That may explain the lack of stories with L.A. Wrigley Field as a back drop. The L.A. Dodgers have a farm league field in Lodi, CA, where I grew up. It has no official name at all and neither does the team, at least not as of the early 1990's when I left Lodi for good.
Posted by KDP on 01/05/18 at 02:53 PM
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