Celery Bikini

Another plant-themed bikini. This time it's Evelyn Hayes who, as "Celery Queen" of National City, CA in 1939, got to wear a celery bikini.

Though, again, it wouldn't yet have been called a bikini. More like a celery hula skirt and top.

Pittsburgh Press - Apr 2, 1939

     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jul 16, 2017
     Category: Fashion | 1930s

So were Adam and Eve actually just shown celebrating the fig harvest?
Posted by BMN on 07/16/17 at 08:18 AM
Surely, there is a bikini made from melons.
Posted by Virtual on 07/16/17 at 11:31 AM
Posted by Phideaux on 07/16/17 at 07:36 PM
It's clear why this lovely lady was chosen Celery Queen. Look out for hungry rabbits, though!

(Or better yet, bring on the hungry rabbits!)
Posted by Brian on 07/16/17 at 08:45 PM
For the ladies of WU, this is some male attire.
Posted by BMN on 07/17/17 at 09:17 AM
I see her swimming around in a Bloody Mary.
Posted by KDP on 07/17/17 at 09:35 AM
How very like, and yet unlike, Josephine Baker.
Posted by Richard Bos on 07/17/17 at 11:21 AM
Seems like a very weird photographic perspective. Either that, or she's related to the Jolly Green Giant.
Posted by Frank H on 07/18/17 at 04:07 PM
Technically, it can't be *called* a bikini before 1946. 😉

Posted by Tribune on 07/19/17 at 07:45 PM
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