The Chester Ice Chunk

Sep 8, 1957: A 100-pound chunk of ice fell from the sky onto an empty building in Chester, Pennsylvania.

Strange falls of ice from the sky have long fascinated the Fortean crowd. See, for example, "The Ice-Fall Problem" by meteorologist (and UFO enthusiast) James E. McDonald:

It is a rather curious and apparently unexplained fact that from time to time in recent years masses of ice of the order of several tens of pounds have fallen out of the sky. This is the ice-fall problem.

Also, "Ice Falls" by Frank Edwards in Strangest of All (1962).

Shamokin News-Dispatch - Sep 9, 1957

The Ada Weekly News - July 1, 1971

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jul 22, 2024
     Category: 1950s | Weather

From Wiki.
Posted by eddi on 07/22/24 at 03:46 AM
In sailing lore, a white squall is a sudden onset of gale-strength wind that strikes without any sign of threatening clouds, so without warning. (Cumulus clouds may be present, as is normal in fair weather.) There are several sinkings of large ships that have been blamed on white squalls.

Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 07/23/24 at 07:58 AM
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