Usual suspects, from last week (leaving to others any actual verifications):
Due to the drought in Great Britain, some of those crazy local councils are embracing "amnesty" for turning in garden hoses.
The Independent
Cooking Classes for Left-Handers Launched Daily Express (London)
Announcing the Yugawara in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, the world's first luxury hotel that accepts
pets pet sheep (which are supposedly cuddly in Japan). With
blog, YouTube video, website under construction
A photo from a one-car accident on New York City's FDR Drive, showing the overturned car and its bumper sticker,
Why am I the only one on the planet who knows how to drive? New York Post
It was a prank, all right, but reported straight up by, first, out loud by the Toronto Public Health Board chairman at an open meeting, and then by Canada's CNews. Among the people who had signed up to address the Board were the gentlemen Haywood Jablome and Fu King of the Fu King Fitness Gym, along with the ladies Anita Dick-Smith and Anita Hoare.