Contagious Urination

Researchers have uncovered the "social dimensions of urination" among captive chimpanzees. This topic had previously been "largely unexplored."

They recorded urination events for a total of 604 hours and calculated urination frequency for each subject. They report:

Contagious urination, like other forms of behavioral and emotional state matching, may have important implications in establishing and maintaining social cohesion, in addition to potential roles in preparation for collective departure (i.e. voiding before long-distance travel) and territorial scent-marking (i.e. coordination of chemosensory signals)...

we find that in captive chimpanzees the act of urination is socially contagious. Further, low-dominance individuals had higher rates of contagion.

I guess the obvious question is whether humans also are susceptible to contagious urination. I haven't noticed it, if we are.

More info: "Socially contagious urination in chimpanzees"
     Posted By: Alex - Fri Feb 07, 2025
     Category: Animals | Experiments | Psychology | Body Fluids


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