
Your challenge is to guess whether this product is real or imaginary. The answer is below in extended.

Product Description: CowCows (aka VACHEMENT VACHE). Created by designer Cyprien Côté.

Completely 'fed up' with seeing cows unsuccessfully wipe flies from their eyes, [Côté] came up with an ear extender that could be used by the cow to fully remove any pest that was bothering them. They were made out of a super-soft material and cost about fifty cents (Canadian) per set.

Answer: Although CowCows may seem like a great idea, they're actually the imaginary invention of Matt Brown who writes "short stories about fictional designers who make fictional things." Read the full story this came from at
     Posted By: Alex - Sun Jan 27, 2013
     Category: Inventions | Cows

Well, I don't know why our links aren't producing the images so you'll just have to click on it to see the results.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 01/27/13 at 09:49 AM
I had to turn off images in the comments. Will post an explanation soon.
Posted by Alex on 01/27/13 at 10:57 AM
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