Eric Wildman was a crusader for corporal punishment. He believed strongly that if you spare the rod, you'll spoil the child. He was the president (and perhaps only member?) of the National Society for the Retention of Corporal Punishment in Schools. To support himself, he sold canes and whipping paraphenalia to schools and caning enthusiasts.
In 1948, he was invited to speak at Horsley Hall, a British school for boys. But the talk didn't turn out as he expected. As he was talking, a group of the boys crept up behind him, grabbed him, pinned him down, and then began beating him with his own canes.
Strangely enough, the assault turned out to have been planned by the school's headmaster, who was strongly anti-caning. He had decided to give Wildman a taste of his own medicine. Wildman threatened to sue the school, but never did.
You can read more about Wildman and the Horsley Hall incident at, which also has lots of info about the strange history of corporal punishment.
Wildman and his canes
The Horsley Hall Incident
The Modesto Bee - Nov 26, 1948
Category: 1940s | Universities, Colleges, Private Schools and Academia | Pain, Self-inflicted and Otherwise