danceteam pervert

Your Daily Loser
This guy was arrested in the gym at Elma (Wash.) High School, looking like a sports photographer covering the "winter dance team" practice, but a couple of the kids' fathers challenged him. "How about this," one dad proposed. "[Y]ou show us the pictures on the camera and when what you're saying is true [about being a sports photographer], there's nothing weird, you can go and we'll apologize and it's no big deal." But "He's like, 'No, I can't show you my pictures.'" But then, an epiphany: "He took the camera off his neck, held his hands up in the air and said, 'I admit it. I'm a pervert, and I came here to take pictures of your daughters. Can you let go of me?" (Nope, no can do.) KING-TV (Seattle)
     Posted By: Chuck - Tue Mar 03, 2009

Washington state is,obviously, more civilized than the mid-west and south, Maxx.

But, the girls' skirts didn't have any "up" in them + they were wearing shorts... Damn it! Watch the video. Where's the thrill this guy was looking for?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/03/09 at 12:14 PM
Well BG, you might think it's hypocritical but, as a father of a daughter, I would flip out if a guy was trying to take photos of under my daughter's skirt, whether or not she had anything on underneath. The fact that you don't see anything wrong with that is disconcerting.

So, what if someone tries to rob you but you don't have anything for them to take? Is it hypocritical for them to go to jail since they weren't successful in their robbery attempt?
Posted by Madd Maxx on 03/03/09 at 01:18 PM
I think the hypocrisy, Maxx, stems from the fact that you'd let your daughter dance around in public dressed like a cheerleader, but that someone taking photos of the same is somehow impermissible.
Posted by kingmonkey in Athens, Ontario on 03/03/09 at 01:25 PM
I don't see anything wrong with how they are dressed. I do see something wrong with someone shoving a camera up her skirt to take pictures for whatever purpose they have in mind (which is probably not a good purpose since he is taking pictures up the skirts of underage children).

The article does state that the girls were the ones who noticed the guy taking pics under their skirts.
Posted by Madd Maxx on 03/03/09 at 01:34 PM
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