Doing the Charleston

1927: 10-year-old Mildred Unger dances the Charleston on the wing of an airplane, while it's flying in the air.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Jun 01, 2015
     Category: Air Travel and Airlines | 1920s | Dance

Luckily she wasn't carrying a dangerous weapon like a plastic knife too!

I wonder if we could force all these child protection service people to watch this they'd go catatonic and leave good honest folk alone?
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 06/01/15 at 09:55 AM
I've been on a few flights when I wished that annoying passengers could have been banished to sit on the wing like that.
Posted by KDP on 06/01/15 at 05:34 PM
Wow! You are right, CPS would stroke out!
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 06/01/15 at 07:20 PM
CPS should stroke out -- that was bloody dangerous. If you follow the next video that comes up, it is a recent video for an adult wing walker who fell to his death. As far as I could see, that wasn't a fake film and that little girl had no harness or anything. Even by the standards of the day, her guardians should have been shot.

In my jurisdiction, you can no longer work on a roof without a harness or restraining fence, and you can't work off a ladder anymore either. That's how I was able to obtain employment for years -- not enough people were willing to do that. But you'd never have gotten me onto the wing of an airplane, even with a harness.

And at my age, you'd have a hard time getting me back on a roof.
Posted by Harvey on 06/01/15 at 08:04 PM
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