Double Bind

Published in 1978 by the artist Richard Olson, Double Bind consists of only six pages, but good luck reading those pages because, as the title implies, the book is bound on both ends.

I could see this being an interesting addition to a library of odd books, but I don't know how many copies Olson created. I imagine not that many. One of them went up for auction in 2017 with a list price of $200-$300, but remained unsold.

     Posted By: Alex - Sat Dec 14, 2024
     Category: Art | Books | 1970s

I love it! I'd gladly pay in the $20-25 range to have one on my shelf.

For some reason, it reminds me of the woman who had a vanity press print her short stories and poems in three books marked as Volume Two, Volume Three, and Volume Five.
Posted by Phideaux on 12/14/24 at 10:38 AM
I'd want two.
Posted by Richard Bos on 12/14/24 at 12:28 PM
One must ask, was the ending good?
Posted by Teri on 12/14/24 at 11:56 PM
This niggled at my backbrain before finally scratching through the layers of muck to reveal a memory from the 1970s -- I wanted to have a book printed where you read the recto (the verso was printed upside down), and at the end/halfway through, you turned the book over and continued reading.

This was probably inspired by Delany's 'Dahlgren' but would work with any circular novel.

I contacted a couple of vanity publishers, but none could/would do it.
Posted by Phideaux on 12/15/24 at 01:22 PM

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