editors 080808

Editor's Notes
As you sophisticated readers may know, the weird news thins out every August because so many troublemakers go on holiday or stockpile their imminent blunders for the September return to business-as-usual. Consequently, my daily emission thins, also, for, obedient to my high professional standards, I refuse to knowingly upgrade the mundane just to fill space. (In fact, I'm even going to take a few alternate-day holidays, myself, starting next week, through the end of the month.) Today's Newsrangers: Brian Godfrey, Judith Hicks, Harry Farkas, Kurt Knochel
     Posted By: Chuck - Fri Aug 08, 2008

That's OK Chuck. You take your holidays as required. I'm leaving Monday myself for a few days driving around sight seeing.
(as if the world worries about me)
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 08/09/08 at 02:18 AM
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