Emil Matalik for President

Wisconsin farmer Emil Matalik (1929-2008) first ran for president in 1964 but didn't get any votes. Undeterred, he kept running again and again.

His primary objective was to replace all national governments with a single world government, but he had some more bizarre proposals such as replacing all cars with bicycles "to keep the world accident rate down... and to get people out of corrupt city life and back to farm life."

He also wanted to solve the world's water shortage through birth control. His reasoning was that people are mostly water. So if there's fewer people, there'll be more water. He suggested that spanking to orgasm was a good form of birth control.

Bismarck Tribune - Mar 31, 1970

Some more details about him from the Fortean Times (May 2016):

One of his campaign flyers from the mid-1980s:

source: Kooks, by Donna Kossy

     Posted By: Alex - Tue Nov 05, 2024
     Category: Strange Candidates

To be honest he doesn´t sound any crazier than tRump.
Posted by F.U.D. in Stockholm on 11/05/24 at 06:27 AM
There are good ideas here, and also batshit crazy ones, that would fit right in on the Rhinoceros Party's platform.
Posted by Yudith on 11/05/24 at 08:36 AM
He has some ideas I agree with, and I won't say which ones.
Posted by Richard Bos on 11/09/24 at 08:57 AM
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