Eye worm art

Artist Ben Taylor drew a painting that featured “psychedelic colors and wormlike patterns inside a perfectly round circle.” Only later did he realize that he had parasitic worms in his eye, and he thinks they might have subconsciously inspired him. From The Durango Herald:

"I definitely believe that the worms had a hand in that painting,” he said, adding later: “When you kind of look into the nitty-gritty of how much of the human body actually contains your DNA versus the billions of different bacteria that live within us, you start realizing that you’re an ecology of beings that live within us.

He later adapted his painting to make it more obviously an eye infected by parasitic worms, and as a result it’s been chosen as the cover art for this month’s issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

     Posted By: Alex - Mon Aug 13, 2018
     Category: Art | Health | Disease | Eyes and Vision

Best not to dwell on all the animalcules that live in and on you - that will eventually send you running screaming into the night.
Posted by KDP on 08/13/18 at 06:25 PM
Says you - I like my animalcules. They're my only company...
Posted by Richard Bos on 08/18/18 at 05:53 AM
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