Field Umbrella

Patent No. 2,320,848 was granted to Hollie Lee Byars of Parrish, Alabama for an umbrella designed to protect people stooped over. She imagined it would be useful for field workers. Although anyone who spent a lot of time hunched over could benefit.

There have been times when I've been weeding my yard that I could have used something like this.

     Posted By: Alex - Fri May 21, 2021
     Category: Inventions | Patents | 1940s | Weather

The wearer better hope that a very strong gust of wind doesn't carry them away to meet the Wizard of Oz!
Posted by KDP on 05/21/21 at 10:00 AM
My first thought, from the illustration, is that when you need to send in a team with a battering ram to take down a castle gate, you have to provide cover so archers on the walls can't pick them off. That means two or more lines of soldiers to hold shields over the rammers. On a narrow drawbridge, everyone's movements are hampered. Even in a more open space, there isn't room to have more than one battering ram flanked by columns of shieldsmen.

Shields mounted on rammers' backs would let you send in multiple teams with battering rams slung between their legs. Although smaller and lighter than a huge tree chopped down and fitted with a metal head, the combined effect would be just as effective and could find and exploit any inherent weakness the gate might have.
Posted by Phideaux on 05/21/21 at 01:20 PM
Field workers, or anyone who spends time hunched over, and needs shielding will likely need a cane to stand upright after wearing that umbrella. I wonder if Ms. Byars was married to a 'back doctor' or would somehow profit by providing a remedy to the resulting back injury...
Posted by Teri on 05/22/21 at 01:19 AM
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