Follies of the Mad Men #104

[From Life magazine for April 13, 1942.]

Oh, God, no! Take it away! Make me unsee the horrible monster known as "Pipe with a Human Face!"
     Posted By: Paul - Fri May 28, 2010
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Horror | Tobacco and Smoking | 1940s

I just make mine out of aluminum foil 🐛
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/28/10 at 10:08 AM
Dancing weeds is OK but talking faces on pipe bowls isn't? Paul, you're ficklling around here.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/28/10 at 12:44 PM
Maybe back then they were uncomfortable with the concept of making the pipe talk, without a face. As if that would be too cartoonish when they are trying to sell to grown men.
Posted by Nethie on 05/28/10 at 05:09 PM
metz, it looked familiar and then you said thomas and you are right, that's why.
its okay paul we won't let the pipe monster get you honey. 😉
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/28/10 at 07:14 PM
patty can tame any "pipe monster" :red:
Posted by ANON in Nowhere on 05/28/10 at 07:41 PM
yep, i play a flute and they just dance.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/28/10 at 07:46 PM
Clearly, it's just some poor fellow stuck in a section of ceiling duct.
Posted by venomlash on 05/28/10 at 10:16 PM
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