Follies of the Mad Men #164


Wow! Talk about overkill!

The four mythic national beasts of China, Russia, Great Britain and the USA pull the chariot of the Goddess of Freedom--all to sell socks!

Original ad here.
     Posted By: Paul - Fri Oct 21, 2011
     Category: Business | Advertising | Products | Fashion | 1940s | Fictional Monsters

There's a dragon, lion, chimera, and what's that black blob next to the dragon?

BTW, if they ain't "Gold Toe" they ain't worth wearin'.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/21/11 at 12:31 PM
"and there were four Beasts...and each Beast had six wings" "one beast was like a Flying Eagle" "and one Beast 'was like a Lion'" "and one Beast had feet 'like a bear'" "and the Dragon gave power unto the Beasts"

I'm still not sure what the black blob is but it seems to have "feet like a bear".

Anybody notice the wonderfully PC Japanese face on the old style Japanese flag that is being trampled by the beasts.
Posted by Miles on 10/21/11 at 01:01 PM
Back in the 40's that "Nippo's" face would be a selling point!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 10/21/11 at 01:27 PM
Those must have been some socks! Today they'd sell them with a bunch of half naked women in the ad.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 10/21/11 at 10:01 PM
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