Follies of the Madmen #219


The connection? I can only assume that once upon a time, tennis rackets were restrung with sheep guts. But the image is certainly bizarre.

Original ad here.
     Posted By: Paul - Tue May 06, 2014
     Category: Animals | Anthropomorphism | Sports | 1940s

I think the emphases is on the baaaaaaaadmutton racket.
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 05/06/14 at 09:08 AM
Take into account that this is the tail end of the Great Depression (1940) and magazines of all stripes would print these little adverts for "work at home" schemes. Peruse the following pages and notice how many are for aviation training, radio repair, auto repair, and sundry other small scale businesses.

Would the supplier ship the sheep gut wet or dry? And would it be already cut into the strips as needed?
Posted by KDP on 05/06/14 at 10:37 AM
It's a reminder of the disposable society we live in now. Probably not a lot of folks visit the cobbler anymore to get their shoes resoled.
Posted by RobK on 05/06/14 at 11:39 AM
My dad took electronics repair through the mail and built a thriving business in the late '60s-early '70. The business only closed because he passed away in'73. Now a days people just buy a new tv, radio, ect.
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 05/07/14 at 08:52 PM
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