Follies of the Madmen #276

1) Sausage pancakes.

2) Cocktail shaker preparation.

3) Wife-swapping ambiance.

Everything you could want in a commercial!
     Posted By: Paul - Fri Mar 04, 2016
     Category: Business | Advertising | Products | Food | Sexuality | 1950s

Electric Aunt Jemima
Goddess of love
Khaki maple buckwheats
Frizzle on the stove
Queen of my heart
Please hear my plea
Electric Aunt Jemima
Cook a bunch for me.
Posted by KDP on 03/04/16 at 09:53 AM
Almost every AM in the US starts with pancakes, PIG MEAT, and maple syrup.

In fact, I'll not go into an IHOP 'cause they don't serve REAL maple syrup, the cheap bastards!
Posted by Expat47 in Athens, Greece on 03/04/16 at 10:35 AM
Who cares, as long as it has 100 grams of sugar?
Posted by Virtual on 03/04/16 at 01:33 PM
Nothing odd at all about 2 couples having breakfast together in the living room. If the media could slip that by the American public way back then, realize what they're slipping by us now.
Posted by Greg on 03/04/16 at 07:52 PM
What were they using that syrup for the last night?!? 😝
Posted by Patty in Ohio, USA on 03/05/16 at 12:51 AM
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