Follies of the Madmen #319

We've all heard of talking with your hands...

From Radio Mirror magazine, December 1937.
     Posted By: Paul - Sun Jul 02, 2017
     Category: Anthropomorphism | Body | Business | Advertising | Products | Surrealism | 1930s

Honeymoon Hands sounds like a crappy name for a New Wave band, and that's my favorite genre.
I don't recall my wife's hands on our honeymoon, so that means... I don't care if she has sandpaper hands? Why does she have rough hands and not care about her own hygiene? She shouldn't be trying to appease me and hell, she probably doesn't give a F if her hands are as smooth as they were on their honeymoon? What does that mean anyway? She had smooth hands back then, her hand-jobs were the best! Nice honeymoon dude.
Posted by Greg on 07/02/17 at 10:08 AM
Back in the 30s, "honeymoon" had clear sexual connotations, and also reflected youth. In an era when most people married, and married young, the euphemism would have been clear -- yet another "use our product to get laid" ad.
Posted by Brian on 07/02/17 at 09:36 PM
Women often commented on how soft my hands were. I think it was probably because I was reaching into cutting oil all day. At the end of a shift, I'd have to wash my hands first with mineral spirits because water would just bead up on my skin.
Posted by Phideaux on 07/03/17 at 01:17 PM
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