Follies of the Madmen #381

If you're going to make an outrageous claim for your product, why not go big!

Alice Pearce.

Joey Heatherton.

One source I have seen credits this ad to the famous George Lois.
     Posted By: Paul - Thu Sep 06, 2018
     Category: Beauty, Ugliness and Other Aesthetic Issues | Body Modifications | Business | Advertising | Cosmetics | 1960s

Why not make it a truly outrageous claim and turn George Lois into either Alice or Joey??
Posted by John on 09/06/18 at 09:52 AM
Too bad La Poune is dead. She would have been a great candidate to be turned into Joey Heatherton. Of course, nobody knows who Joey Heatherton is, but it doesn't matter.
Posted by Yudith on 09/06/18 at 11:47 AM
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