Follies of the Madmen #450

Why not eliminate half your potential customers by insisting your product is only for men?
     Posted By: Paul - Tue Oct 29, 2019
     Category: Business | Advertising | Games | Stereotypes and Cliches | 1950s | Men | Women

Apparently supposed to appeal to male chauvinist pigs.

I have a set of plastic Kemcards. Yeah, they last forever, but they suck. It's like playing cards with pieces of slate. There's not enough friction when you hold them, especially with 13 cards, so you wind up with hand cramps.
Posted by Virtual in Carnate on 10/30/19 at 11:37 AM
The tone of the ad makes you think the cards had naked ladies printed on them.
Posted by Brian on 10/30/19 at 08:44 PM
I got some cards like that for my girlfriend's father, and they lasted a long time, but the designs started wearing off.
Posted by Joshua Zev Levin, Ph.D. on 11/01/19 at 08:05 PM
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