Follies of the Madmen #513

What size of empty container was used to make that ice cylinder for the Pepsi bottle, and what size freezer could accommodate it? Only commercial units. How many hours would you have to prolong your sipping, to justify the creation of that ridiculous amount of ice for cooling one bottle of Pepsi? And was this gal the only one at the bonfire to receive such a treat? So many questions...

     Posted By: Paul - Sun Aug 15, 2021
     Category: Business | Advertising | Excess, Overkill, Hyperbole and Too Much Is Not Enough | Soda, Pop, Soft Drinks and other Non-Alcoholic Beverages | 1960s

Pillar candle mold. The price climbs fast once you get past 2", but a 6"x9" is still only $20.75. (

You could use a chest-type freezer, but even an old fashioned freezer-over-refrigerator model usually has a freezer compartment that's 12" tall.

At a farm auction, I bought a 14" x 60" brass mold for making church candles. My research showed it was the second smallest made by that company.
Posted by Phideaux on 08/15/21 at 12:01 PM
Isn't that a young Christie Brinkley?
Posted by KDP on 08/15/21 at 06:59 PM
Or it could be a prop. Real ice might not last long enough for the photo shoot.
Posted by msa in fla on 08/16/21 at 09:01 AM
I guess ice cubes were boring.
Posted by Brian on 08/21/21 at 11:22 PM
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